Scene News
Content Awareness by Stream☾atcher

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Physical Releases

loopgames iv by SELA. (limited edition cassette (custom) – lg iv)
This cassette pre-order contains \”ALL UNRELEASED / SCRAPPED SELA. CONTENT FROM 2016 – 2019\”. You can also pick up vol I to III of loopgames for 75 USD which is a rare digital download I guess..?
Digital Releases
ワールドワイド予報 by BL00dY M4RY
9 tracks of couple of vaporwave tracks a few ambient-is sounds. Nothing that caught my attention unfortunately.
Full Course Fool by 3D BLAST
A new groovy track by 3D BLASt for the podcast Game Query Art Club. Sounds like a good little intro track for a show. big grooves.