Ducat releases details of new cassette, BIGWAVE releases a new song, HATENA releases cassette and much more. Oh and did I mention you can now find all vaporwave and future funk cassette, vinyl and concert releases on this site?
Release Calendar
As mentioned above, MTHU will now be updating daily a beautiful calendar full of cassette, vinyl and concert releases. Never miss out on a casssett that sells out because you didn’t know the date and time. More information here: http://musicsthehangup.com/events/
Episode Show Notes:
Week of March 29th, 2019The perfect way to know all releases at the end of the video
- Night Tempo is having a release night for his album The Showa Groove at the Wink in Japan.
- https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUDYi9jnFN/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
- April 24 and 26th a release show
- Yung Bae concert with Flamingosis July 6th
- Ducat – New retro
- Alan said: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/506478976752025600/559491005708238856/unknown.png
- “Could this be a Top 10 for 2019? It could be”
- Late April 2019 for cassette
- ‘バビロンの空中庭園 下’: The darker, more mysterious sequel to バビロンの空中庭園 上, out now on Seikomart!
- New digital released the 25th.
- Follow up of his previous album
- “The birds are singing, the water is gently flowing and the breeze is softly blowing through your hair.“
- kretzschクレツ | 猫 releases new album:
- first moonlight By kretzschクレツ on Spotify
- https://open.spotify.com/album/7sS8ldxsDn0QoKhjGUNnVJ?si=YBjdsRAkSEOdZmjplCqsoQ
- Hey y’all! Have an album coming out on cassette via Stratford Ct. it’s a collection of ten of my releases including collabs with Unfound and Hotel Pools. Preorder is up now and release is April 5. A digital version is up on my Bandcamp page as well.
- https://stratfordct.bandcamp.com/album/forhill-figments
- releases April 5, 2019
- Sparkly Night releases single, Make it Right
- https://soundcloud.com/mikazukibigwave/bigwave-kimochi
- https://twitter.com/tanukimusic/status/1110226297979056128?s=21
- Tanuki. Releases カタカナ & 漢字タイトル in 2 forms
- Sells out in 15 minutes: https://twitter.com/tanukimusic/status/1110557826764681216
- ミカヅキBIGWAVE said I can use a song in this week for his release
- Contract / Floor by HATENA (cassette) March 29 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Cool flow chart for Vektroid
- Daily updates (cassette, vinyl and concerts)
Of course as with all weekly updates and interviews, you can listen to this episode on the podcast. So go take a nice drive through the city and be informed on the latest in FF and VW.
Listen to this Episode as a Podcast on iTunes and Google Play