S01E28: Future Funk & Vaporwave News of the Week – 3/29/2019

Ducat releases details of new cassette, BIGWAVE releases a new song, HATENA releases cassette and much more. Oh and did I mention you can now find all vaporwave and future funk cassette, vinyl and concert releases on this site?

Release Calendar

As mentioned above, MTHU will now be updating daily a beautiful calendar full of cassette, vinyl and concert releases. Never miss out on a casssett that sells out because you didn’t know the date and time. More information here: http://musicsthehangup.com/events/

Episode Show Notes:

Week of March 29th, 2019The perfect way to know all releases at the end of the video





Of course as with all weekly updates and interviews, you can listen to this episode on the podcast. So go take a nice drive through the city and be informed on the latest in FF and VW.

Listen to this Episode as a Podcast on iTunes and Google Play

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